Entrepreneur Deals

Entrepreneur Deals

Our goal is to feature products and services that we think you'll find useful. 


Employee Experience & Recruiting

How to Hire People for Technical Skills

Some jobs require specific technical or hard skills that can be difficult to measure. Learn how to hire people for in-demand positions that have traditionally been hard to fill.


Leadership Skills for Entry-Level Employees

Often associated with high-level executives and managers, leadership skills are just as important for entry-level workers. Developing these skills can set you up for success and pave the way for future leadership opportunities.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

How to Know When It's Time to Hire Employees

While hiring new employees can drive growth and success for your business, knowing when to hire requires careful consideration of many factors.


Business Casual Attire for the Modern Workplace

As more employees return to physical offices, their daily attire may differ from what they wear while working from home. Here's an updated definition of business casual attire and why it's important.


When Looking for a Job, Know Your SMART Goals

SMART goals can help you focus on finding employment that aligns with your professional goals. Applying them to your job search can help you identify opportunities that align with your career aspirations.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Best Job Sites to Find High-Level Workers

These job sites are among the best platforms for employers to find high-level candidates. By adding these platforms to their hiring strategy, employers can streamline recruitment and find candidates that meet their business needs.

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