Managing Employees


To Be a More Effective and Respected Leader, These 2 Qualities Must Go Hand-in-Hand

In today's highly competitive business world, leaders who blend these two qualities are the ones most respected and admired.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Want to Build a Compelling Workplace That Attracts and Retains Employees? You Need to Provide Them With Value. Here's How.

Businesses that emphasize creating value for employees find and keep the best recruits.


10 Lessons CEOs Can Learn from Sports Coaches

Set your team up for success with these ten tips.

Growing a Business

Spending the Most Really Does Win the Most Customers. Here's Why

Customers are the lifeblood of your business. You don't want to cheap out when it comes to customer retention.

Growing a Business

12 Brand Archetypes and How They Can Help Your Business

Let's examine how popular brands, such as Disney and Tesla, employed these archetypes to boost loyalty and bottom-line results, and how you can apply these archetypes to your brand too.


One British Philosopher's Life Advice Could Be the Secret to Transforming Your Company

How the wisdom of the late British writer and academician Alan Watts — best known for integrating Eastern philosophy with a Western mindset — can transform your company by fostering creativity and promoting work/life harmony.


5 Ways to Overcome Your Fear of Asking for Help

These methods create a personal mindset and company culture that regards both asking for and offering assistance as an admirable strength.


Unhappy Customers and Employees Can Wreak Havoc on Your Business. Here's How to Make Both Happy.

The combined expense of dissatisfied workers and customers can be detrimental to your business if not approached strategically.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

6 Ways to Lead Teams from Burnout to Performance

From promoting work-life balance and the power of saying "no" to setting positive boundaries, how to improve team results and overall well-being.


Why Empowering Your Hybrid Workers to Co-Create a Winning Return to Office Plan Leads to Longterm Gain

It certainly takes more work to have hybrid employees participate in co-creating the return office, but the long-term gain is very much worth the short-term pain.


3 Lessons I Learned When I Made My Company Boss-Free

It might be time to say goodbye to traditional boss hierarchies and hello to a new color of leadership.


How To Show Humility as a Leader Without Apologizing for Your Success

You've earned your trophies, but you don't have to shine them in front of others continuously. Here are a few tips on how to be a humble — yet successful — leader.


How Leaders Can Embrace Flexibility and Still Find the Productivity and Creativity They Need

Just because Bob Iger demanded employees return to the office doesn't mean you have to.


3 Reasons to Celebrate Small Wins in Your Business

Motivation breeds creativity, and focusing on progress helps ignite engagement: Why it's always time to spotlight achievements, large and small.


Why Organizations Must Take a More Modern Approach to HR — and How to Do It

HR teams need to evolve by taking a modern, employee-centric approach to HR. Here's why and how to do it.