Natasha Zo

Entrepreneur Leadership Network Contributor
Media Relations Specialist

Natasha Zo is a former journalist turned international media relations specialist. As a founder of a boutique PR agency, she is on a mission to amplify messages of conscious leaders through earned media. She helped launch Amazon bestsellers, booked national TV, and over 400 podcast interviews.


Business Ideas

3 Ways to Use ChatGPT to Spark Your Creativity

Brainstorming product ideas or new ways to pitch your company — AI can be a great help to decent into the state of creative flow.


3 mitos sobre las relaciones públicas que dañan el éxito de tu marca

¿Cómo posicionarte como un líder de opinión en tu industria utilizando las relaciones públicas? Derribando los mitos y descubriendo el verdadero potencial de esta poderosa herramienta de marketing.


3 Myths About PR That Are Hurting Your Brand's Success

Position yourself as a thought leader in your industry with PR: debunking the myths and discovering the true potential of this powerful marketing tool.


4 tendencias que alterarán tu estrategia de comunicación

¿Puede la evolución de la inteligencia artificial, el auge de las nuevas tecnologías o el comportamiento humano en constante cambio obligar a dar un giro en la manera en que te comunicas con tu audiencia?


4 Trends That Will Disrupt Your Communication Strategy

Could the evolution of AI, the rise of new technologies or ever-changing human behavior demand a pivot in how you communicate with your audience?

Growing a Business

Your Personal Brand Story: Does It Need To Be A Story Of Struggle?

Everyone faces challenges, but not all stories of transformation are filled with extraordinary events — and despite popular opinion, they don't need to be.

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